The two faces of Idrimi - and why?
Idrimi was King of Alalakh, Turkey, 1600 BC. Using the exact terms in quotations [see inscription in b) below], Indrimi identifies himself as a memberof the “Royal House of Aleppo,” rulers of the “Hapiru” in “Kanaan.” He dwelled 7years in Kanaan with them, his 3600 year-old steale tells us.
Found by Leonard Wooley, the original statue is likely the first. Why is the present statue, [B],unlike the first, [A], that it was restored from?The stone (carbonate of magnesium) crumbledto the touch destroying the detail of the face and elaborate beard during the cleaning andremoval of dirt. Read the report on its restoration:
“The statue ... is of white stone which ... has suffered much from decay and over the larger part of the figure the surface was reduced to asoft powder such that the least touch was likelyto destroy all the detail of the work. …The beard,falling back sharply from the chin, is smooth and plain, whereas we know that a king’s beard should be elaborately curled and arranged.”  Smith, The statue of Idrimi, (Occasional Publications, BAI, 1949).
, Paul Marc Washington,

(1) Real Idrimi statue, British Museum: click.
(2) Real Idrimi statue backup: click.
(3) Fake Idrimi statue: click.
(4) Fake Idrimi statue backup: click.
(5) The Idrimi Inscription.
(6) Marc. Idrimi also on other page.
(7) How the re-created Idrimi looks.
(8) How the re-created Idrimi looks Back-up.
