Four Africans: Me. dad and our Mesopotamian ancestors - Sargon (first empire) and Ashur Uballit, .Family photo album
These are some family 
pictures. I am not as 
handsome as either my dad
or our ancestors from 
Mesopotamia, but I’m 
proud to be in the family. 
Uncle Sargon of Akkad
established the world’s first
empire (although, to tell 
the truth, humankind was 
better off without empires -
as history sadly shows) and
Uncle Ashur Uballit I (1365
- 1330 BC) gained the independance of Assyria from the MIttani kingdom which was the beginning Assyria’s rise as an empire where arts, culture, and trade flourished. Dad (1921 AD - 2002 AD) hosted Nelson 
Mandela when he came to Philadelphia. And it was in dad’s church (the Episcopal Church of the Advocate of Philadelphia, PA, where the first women in the Anglican Church were 
ordained. And from them came the first female bishop the Episcopal Church had in its history - Barbara Harris, a black woman. Aside from that, he was a great dad. And then there’s me.
.art, art history, Paul Marc Washington,
