Depictions of The Last Judgement is one of Christianities’ most compelling artistic traditions most well-known by Michael Angelo’s fresco painted 
from 1537 to 1541 at the Sistine Chapel in Vatican City. In the fresco above, you see brown-skinned, button-nosed, globes of woolly-haired, by 
phenotype, African representations of Christ, the Disciples, and other luminaries of the day. This fresco was either contemporaneous with Angelo’s 
or earlier. Painted in the early 1500s in scenic Bratislava, the capital of Slovenia, is this example of the vibrant early (not later) Medieval Christian 
African communities found in Prague, Hamburg, Budapest, Aachen, and throughout France and the Netherlands. I stumbled upon this museum trea-
sure when the renowned Afro-American historian, Runoko Rashidi, invited me to accompany him to Bratislava following his trip to Hungary at my 
invitation in what turned out to be a highlight of that year for me. Kind thanks to him for the memorable, art history, Paul Marc Washington,
