As the map shows, whites began leaving the Steppe area near 3800 BC. Eventually they would enter 
(see map) the areas of Anatolia, today’s Turkey. The first and earlier row (above) of reliefs shows 
Hittite, or African ethnicity. The second row shows whites adopting these motifs in fine detail. 
The earliest of the African reliefs likely dates to near 1400 BC. 

As a note of historical interest, Dr. Clyde Winters, in his book, Afrocentrism -Myth or Science, 
discusses the original blacks of Anatolia / Turkey as being the Kaska tribe while the principal Black 
group, the Hatti are known as and introduced in the bible as the Hittites. What has been called the
Indo-European language belonged to the Hatti / Black Hittites. When whites came from the Steppes
(map) and joined the Hatti / Hittites, they came to take on their culture as the images above show - and 
also adopted their language and name which all identify as Indo-European. That incursive Steppe tribes 
adopted Hatti culture is accepted by and extensively documented by anthropologists and historians. 

However, to call the language Indo-European is thrice a misnomer: Firstly, no scientists say that the Indo-
European language was formed in the Steppes. It was formed in Anatolia. The name for the language as 
Indo-European, Germanic, or English is, secondly, a misnomer because the language is Hatti and should 
be called so. Right? Thirdly, the origin was neither India nor Europe; it was carried to those places, but 
originated in Anatolia - calling it Indo-European obfuscates its true origin. It was formed in Anatolia by, as 
James Mellaart would affirm if asked, by the two dolicocephalic races (i.e. African)  that he said lived in 
situ there since Paleolithic times and formed settlements while ushering in pastoralism and an agricultural 
way of life by 7000 BC [A]. Hittite language, sculpture, and gods was, calmly, by Africans. Paul Marc Washington