LEGEND:  With Click Languages being
possibly 100,000 years old (see web page [B])
did the ability of abstract thinking exist in the
Old Stone Age? Let’s zoom 25,000 years 
ahead. Of the 75,000 year-old drilled beads
found in picture [1]  d’Errico says the find,

“… strengthens the idea that at least 
some groups in Africa had developed 
such a culture by the Middle Stone Age. 
They probably used language in order to 
explain the meaning of their bracelets and 
charms, says team member Francisco 
d'Errico of the Prehistory and Quaternary 
Geology Institute of the University of 
Bordeaux in Talence, France.”  footnote  a

The above find lends support to the 
existence of abstract thinking 75,000
years ago. However, human art in the form 
of Old Stone Age sculpture, (see web page 
at link [A] below) introduces evidence that 
abstract or symbolic thinking has existed 
for 3 million years. And if this is so, where-
as the physical means to form sounds may 
not have existed, perhaps well-formed ideas
have been created since that time as Oldowan
Old Stone Age Tool production attests?

a. In: Helen Pearson, ”Ancient jewellery 
found in African cave: Shell beads point 
to Stone Age sophistication.” Issue of Nature, 
16 April 2004. See: web page [C].

[A] NYT, Nicolas Wade, Click Language Maybe 100,000 years-old and here found the back up article.

[B] Michael Balter on "Becoming Human - What Made Humans Modern?"