Invisible Africans:
The word African is here 
being used with a different
meaning. Some will oppose (4)
who even fit the profile (4) be-
cause there is a stigma to being
African (as used here); but it 
largely (not completely) defines 
one of the 3 major racial types.
African here means one who 
has SOME combination of a 
mouth and nose which is fuller 
and hair woolier than 98% of 
whites and Asians. In first 
encounters between white 
nomads or explorers, the people
they encountered could be
or were called “indigenous”
and were found throughout the
prehistoric world on every 
continent; they were mostly
African - until miscegenation. 
The African “look” speedily
begins to disappear once an 
African produces offspring from
Asians (2) or whites (e.g. 1, 3). 
Wooly hair, typical of Africans, 
becomes relaxed in mixed 
marriages producing a range 
from curly (1, 4) to soft-wavy 
(5, 6, 8, 9), to straight (2, 3, 7) 
hair. So, in just 1 generation, 
the African “look” begins to dis- 
solve. If a settled prehistoric or
Bronze Age African community
in Africa, Asia, or India were
joined by whites or Asians
where the newcomers were  in numbers greater than the Africans joined,
                                                                                      in 2 generations, the culture or civilization would 
                                                                        remain but the African “look” would get “lost”;  “dissolve.”
                                             When pure Africans are seen in ancient art, then, this shows a time before 
                   miscegenation - either the pre-encounter of the races, the 1st encounter, or the 1st generation 
before miscegenation and feature-loss. And mixed-feature populations called non-African are often 
mis-named and called “white” or “Asian” when, in reality, the culture is African and the people half 
African in the earliest generations until little is left. And if in an ancient land, the culture began African., art history, Paul Marc Washington,
