LEGEND: Is the four-continent 
occurrence of the same cultural tool-kit
mix evidence of a worldwide culture 
predominantly radiating out in waves 
from a North-African/Mesopotamian
axis? Does material evidence 
corroborate the genetic record?

Genetic record: Peter Underhill, 
(Ann Hum Genet 65) and O. Bar-Yosef
(African Archeological Review 5, 1987)
[though I do not agree with Bar-Yosef’s
other interpretations] both speak of the 
Late Pleistocene-Early Holocene
event establishing the Neolithic by
Africans entering the Near East where
they practiced farming. Underhill sees 
further radiation into the Indus Valley.
At the least, the African continent 
shares multiple features of the cultural 
toolkit with three other continents.

Material evidence:
1) Pit-graves with pottery: this page
shows pit-graves in Africa (1, 2, 3);
Asia (4, 5, 9 - 14); Europe (7, 8); North
America (15, 16).
Following are web pages linked to below:
2) Pyramids [A]: Africa (1, 2, 4, 5); Asia
(6 - 9); Europe with pyramidal tumulus
(11); North America (12 - 16).
3) Adzes [B]: Africa (1 - 6); Asia (10 - 
14); Europe (15, 16).
4) Combs and Dice [C]: Africa (1, 4); Asia
     (2, 3, 5, 6, 7); Europe (8).
5) Pastoral societies-I [D]: Africa (1, 4);
     Asia - Anatolia (2, 5); China (3, 6).
6) Pastoral societies-II [E]: Africa, India
7) Jewelry [F]: Africa (1, 2, 9); Asia (3 -
     8, 10).
8) Diamond-incised Abdomen [G]: Africa
    (8); Asia (1); Europe (2 - 8).
9) 30,000 years of Steatophygous figurine
     [H]: Africa (1 - 4); Asia (5 - 17); Europe 
     (18 - 29); North America (30).
10) Pottery, esp. Incised Wave: Wendorf 
    (Prehistory of Eastern Sahara, 1987)
   notes earliest pottery in Africa, 8000
    BC. Found on all continents later. 
    Pottery web page not linked here.
CONCLUSION: Because of 10 common 
features variously shared in cultural tool-
kits worldwide with Africa, there is reason 
to believe the Neolithic world civilization 
started in & radiated primarily from Africa.

,art, art history, Paul Marc Washington, paleoneolithic@yahoo.com
Is the board game found around the world an example of a single worldwide culture (that accompanied it) with a seemingly common point of origin that became dispersed? Consider these six material markers or "artefacts" comprising a common kultural toolkit in the ages largely preceding what we call history:

1) God created the heavens and earth: paleolithic to today: click.
2) Shamanism: paleolithic to today: click.
3) First cloth in world through neolithic spindles, whorls: Click.
4) Diadems as first crowns 25,000 years ago through historic times: click.
5) Rock art 1 - from 25,000 years ago until today: click.
6) Rock art 2 - red and black human figures in Africa and Eurasia: click.
7) Common hair care products – the comb: click.
8) Pyramids: click.
9) Neolithic pottery burials: click.
10) Board games part 1: click.
11) Board games part 2: click.
12) The dug-out canoe: click.
13) The plank boat: click.
14) The Adze: click.
15) 11 points of contact in ancient AfroEurasia: click.
