LEGEND: From when and where
did master sculpturists arise? What 
theme characterized their art and 
how did it propagate through the

By master sculpturists, it is meant 
those who attained perfection in 
micro (small) lithic (stone) work. The
first perfection is seen in meticulous,
perfectly tooled, uniformly reccuring,
juxtaposed rows of spheres or clusters,
representing hair [1 & 2]: i.e. the 
grape-cluster, wooly-hair coiffure.

RADIATION: It spread from the
[A] Upper Paleolithic, Old Stone
Age, 25,000 ya. [ 1, 2 ]. For 18,000 
years, this art seems hidden until:
[B] Mesolithic or Middle Stone 
Age, 7000 BC. [ 3 ].  From Eastern
Europe, it appears to go southward:
[C] African and & Near Eastern 
Bronze Age, 3000 – 2000 BC. 
[ 4 - 7]. Followed by the:
[D] Worldwide Bronze and Iron 
Age, 900 BC – 700 AD to 1100 
AD when this rock sculpture ends. 
[ 8 - 19 ] . If we follow where facts
lead, we see that (20) bears the body form of (1) and (2) and the
grape-cluster hair-coiffure of them all.
What can be said of this possible
link? Lands with this art form not
connected to the Afro-Eurasian
mainland [e.g. Japan (18), Mexico (8),
Costa Rica (9) ] can only be reached 
via boat. Are there ocean currents
rotating between Afro-Eurasia and
these places? Yes. See map below:
 [E]   Ocean Currents:

 And, do ancient boats exist? Yes.
[F]   Ancient Boats
(22) Egypt, 7MBC  (23) Nigeria, 6MBC
Do the existence of 
boats & currents  leave
open the possibility of 
the grape-coiffure art hair forms 
transversing the ages & continents? art, art history, Paul Marc Washington, paleoneolithic@yahoo.com
