1) ... Nubian hieroglyphics as ancestor to Western alphabet: Enter.
2)... The birth of language(s) 2.5 million years ago in East Africa. The birth of the Click Language of the Bushman.
3)... MY ESSAY: Ancient African emergence of monosyllabic language: click.
4) Numbers 8 - 10 in this web page show that the stick figures used for 25,000 years and in Egypt as well laid the foundation for the first writing - hieroglyphics: click.
5)... Africans and the creation of writing, Western religion, and Europe. click.
6)... Is the Germanic language of phenotypic African roots? Consider brief discussion here in third paragraph on roots of Germanic languages of which English is descendant.
7)... The Semites, their origination, and their cuneiform: Were the first Semites and the Semitic language first African? You decide.
8)... The Ancient Hieroglyphic Script of the Maori of New Zealand: click.
New York Times reports African Click Language existing for 100,000 years: enter.
Barry Fell of Harvard and his decipherment of (I believe these are African and it's my term) lost African languages of the (my paraphrase) Carthage-British Isles-South American-Polynesian corridor: click. Backup: click. (Thanks to Greg N. for the link).
Alphabet born from hieroglyphics click.