THE GOLDEN AGE OF THE AFRICAN PART ONE: The centuries leading to Christ and directly following him arguably, given the size of world population, saw the highest gold-use per African capita and a flowering of African civilizations around the world. Science has named us the Copper Age, the Bronze Age, and so on. I coin the forgotten age: the Gold Age. The golden Age of the African - Part 1.
THE GOLDEN AGE OF THE AFRICAN PART TWO: Here are images of what could be called the Golden Age of African peoples in Central or Eastern Europe - Part 2. These images are from the days of the Roman Empire
THE GOLDEN AGE OF THE AFRICAN PART THREE: Given human history prior to their invention, the invention of textile clothes is as precious as gold. Was it the African (by morphology) woman who invented the tradition of cloth-making, sewing, and the wearing of clothes changing a 7 million year-old habit where human skin was the only clothes? click.