LEGEND: Depending on the measure, the human being has existed for 7 million years. Part A: a - h shows that for from the Venus of
Willendorf (b) 25,000 years ago until, roughly, the Moldavian Venus (h) of 6000 BC, the human being went about naked. Part B: 1 - 7 
gives a general representation of the history of weaving, cloth-making, and clothes-making. Steatophygia is a trait associated with
African women. The archeological record leaves us the evidence that it is these African women (B: 1c, 2d, 4c, 5c, 8d-e) and others
present at the place and time textile-making was being created (B: 3b, 4b-d, 6c, 7b) who were involved in the invention and spread of 
the tradition of cloth-making to humanity. HISTORY: the weaving of thread twining it by hand was the first stage of clothmaking. It was 
followed by the use of the spindle (or whorl) - a donut-shaped object (B: 1a, 2a, 3a, 4a, 6a-b, 7a). EVOLUTION: We can trace the 
evolution of technolog of textile-making in some locations as Egypt (3a to 3c); Greece (3a - 3d); Mexico (7a - 7c). We also see that
dresses are the same today as they were when first made with, apparently, soft materials and dyed patterns as in the dress from
Hacilar, Turkey (B: 1c) almost 9000 years ago or Greece (B:4c) some 8000 years ago. WHO MADE, HOW MUCH, WHO WORE?: Three 
dozen times in Homer’s Iliad and Odyessy, we read of queens and noble women sewing clothes. At the beginning, it is only royalty who
had the time and right (as it were) to wear clothes. Over the millenniums, it became something for the masses and Madison Avenue. ..art, art history, Paul Marc Washington, paleoneolithic@yahoo.com

Verified weaving of nets, cloth, and baskets dates back 27,000 years ago. And link directly below identifies that population as African. Backup Click.

Alexeev Harvard Lectures on African remains in Russia from 27,000 years ago. Alexeev backup. INDEX TO ALL LECTURES: Alexeev Harvard Lectures.

Is the tradition of sewing found around the world an example of a single worldwide culture (that accompanied it) with a seemingly common point of origin that became dispersed? Consider these six material markers or "artefacts" comprising a common kultural toolkit in the ages largely preceding what we call history:
1) God created the heavens and earth: paleolithic to today: click.
2) Shamanism: paleolithic to today: click.
3) First cloth in world through neolithic spindles, whorls: Click.
4) Diadems as first crowns 25,000 years ago through historic times: click.
5) Rock art 1 - from 25,000 years ago until today: click.
6) Rock art 2 - red and black human figures in Africa and Eurasia: click.
7) Common hair care products – the comb: click.
8) Pyramids: click.
9) Neolithic pottery burials: click.
10) Board games part 1: click.
11) Board games part 2: click.
12) The dug-out canoe: click.
13) The plank boat: click.
14) The Adze: click.
15) 11 points of contact in ancient AfroEurasia: click.

THE GOLDEN AGE OF THE AFRICAN: The Golden Age of the African, Part 1. The Golden Age of the African, Part 2.
