LEGEND: Tribal markings of totems (protective entities ancients believed to watch over kings and their tribes) 
are found on the abdomen of Eurasian women. They appear in variations of an incised, concentric diamond of 4th 
through 6th millennium Central European women in Hungary (1), Bulgaria (2, 3), Yugoslavia (4), Moldavia, and 
Romania (6, 7). And also Japan (8). From predynastic Egypt in North Africa (Afrigypt) were found totems who 
were called by names such as Stork, Catfish,  Scorpion. The one that subdued the others to become known as 
the ancient Egyptians had as their totem Horus, the hawk – an African acronym warriors still call themselves today.

Are the women on this page African? First. As a people, Africans alone actually incise the body in intricate designs. 
    Africans (typically, long-headed people with full facial features) are found as sculptures (see the 4 corners) 
        from Predionica, a 5th - 6th millennium settlement in Bosnia-Herzegovine of the former Yugosla-
            via. Their scalps and faces are also incised. Second. The archeologist reporting these sculptures 
            describes them as, in his words, “African Negro sculpture.” Third, 8000 years after the first incised 
           abdomen were found, the Efe Pygmy woman (9) also has a variation of the double concentric dia-
        mond on her abdomen. Is she a remnant of a race of people who first travelled from Africa and spread 
         throughout ancient Central Europe with this tribal marking  and a single tribe? If so, it was simultaneous 
               with the spread of agriculture in Europe.art, art history, Paul Marc Washington, paleoneolithic@yahoo.com
