LEGEND: In Click Languages, an Echo of the Tongues of the 
                Ancients, Nicholas Wade of the New York Times said that that 
                    ancient  African language over 90 tyo may contain the seeds found 
                    in all future languages. (NYT, March 18, 2003). Continuing in the 
                    same vein, in Current Biology (also 18 March 2003)  Stanford 
                    scientists Alec Knight, Peter Underhill, and Merritt Ruhlen, wrote 
                   that key African Click Languages were spoken by Bushmen who 
                   separated over 100 tya. If one considers that Australia and China both 
                   have monolinguistic tribal names in common found in Africa such as Kung, 
                   Mau, and Jang among many others (and agglutinated languages arose from 
                   their multisyllabic language), and that both places were populated over 60 
tya from Africa, then this makes the claim that Click Language is the Mother of all 
Tongues all the more interesting. This is because both the ithyphallic black stick-figure 
man in Europe [II:C] from 25 tya (an African art type found in the hieroglyphics and rock art 
                         worldwide) and steatophygous woman from Siberia 22 tya [II:D], both are 
                         assuredly African Bushmen. Significant corroborative evidence from the same 
                        100 tya period is the following African-North European connection written up in 
                        Nature. David Reich reports his team “…studied 96 Yorubans (from Nigeria), believed 
                        to share common ancestry with northern Europeans about 100,000 years ago [because they 
                                                 show] … the same allelic combinations.” (See: Nature, 10 May 2001). For the 
                                                               preceding, compare Russian [IA] and East African [IB]. Next. Consider 
                                                               that the meat-scraping tool in the yellow box has an identical form
                                                                           from 2.5 mya in Africa through 25 tya in Siberia and 15 tya in Japan. 
                                                                          Why is the preceding significant? Linguists studying neurology 
                                                                           believe that language developed in and simultaneous with the brain 
                                                                           stimulated by tool-making and tool-using Homo habilis. (see papers of 
                                                                           Alinei,Tobias, Gibbons, etc in EUROPAEA, Journal of Europaenists, 
                                                                           1997, III/1); Nariokotome [II:A] was H. habilis. If a form remains 
                                                                           constant, I believe its idea does; and if animal species can form common 
                                                                            “words/sounds” for specific things (which they do) early man must have 
                                                                            had a permanent word for the “idea” of “scraper” [I:A, B] and all other 
                                                                           things of his environment (e.g. the flat reindeer-calf shoulder blade 
                                                                           incised upon long, long ago by shaman and called “lap” or “page.” Page is 
                                                               still called “lap” in Hungary today. Early man must have had language: a language 
                                                            containing daily objects and the things of his environment. If the evidence is 
                                                         interpreted, scientists say Nariokotome [II:A] of Kenya from 2.0 mya was ancestral 
                                                       to Dmanisi of the USSR [II:B] of 1.8 mya and both are Homo habilis with Dmanisi 
                                              making Oldowan tools that “Nariokotome people” did. And scientists say they (H. habilis) 
                                              could speak; Nariokotome would have been a “Bushman” as it was only “Bushmen” in Africa 
                                              during his time. If so, it was Click Language that Nariokotome’s descendents took to Eurasia 
                                              (clicks lost over deca-millenniums since). As Africans are, like those on this page, individuals 
                                              (color aside) with a combination of  being narrow-headed and having full noses and mouths and 
                                              wiry hair, it was they who formed this Mother Tongue ancestral to those spoken today...art, art history, Paul Marc Washington, paleoneolithic@yahoo.com

New York Times reports African Click Language existing for 100,000 years: enter.
