LEGEND: Celts appears to be a “local” name for Phoenician settlers of Western Europe 
who by nature of heritage were Canaanites and therefore sons of Ham, 
Semitic, and Hebrew all one; and in centuries later were called the Moors. 
They are locally known as Celts of Gaul, Celts of ancient Briton, Romanic 
Celts, Celts of Germany, France, the Netherlands and so on.

Here are various classes of artefacts arranged by place and date:

1) Chief God, Dagda 200 BC 
2) Northumberland, Bremenium, Celt-Roman God Hercules 100 AD
3) NorthYorkshire, Tombstone of Julia Velva c 150 AD
4) Norfolk, Celt Bronze Priest’s Crown 200 AD
5) Suffolk, SuttonHoo, Parade Mask c 625 AD
6) One of many Moorish Coat of Arms of Medieval English Royal Family 1300 AD
art history, Paul Marc Washington, paleoneolithic@yahoo.com
