Legend: The purpose of this page is informational - to present the Hungary of Central Europe in its African Celts phase:
African meaning those given to woolly hair and full facial features. Celts appears to be a “local” name for Phoenician 
settlers of Western Europe who by nature of heritage were Canaanites and therefore sons of Ham, Semitic, and Hebrew 
all one; and in centuries later were called the Moors. They are also locally known as Celts of Gaul, Celts of ancient 
Briton, Romanic Celts, Celts of Germany, Celts of France, Celts of the Netherlands, and so on.

Here are various classes of artefacts arranged by place and date:

1 Aquincum: Sylvanus (Roman god of forests), Roman Period, 80 BC - 380 AD
2 Tanyak, Pustaszerig: Bronze of Hercules Bronze, Roman Period, 80 BC - 380 AD
3 Aquincum: Relief of Nobleman, Roman Period, 80 BC - 380 AD
4 Budapest: King Charles I also known as Robert Karoly; a patrilineal descendant 
of the Capetian dynasty of Anjou (Anjou-Sicily), Holy Roman Empire, 1288 - 1342 AD
5 Székesféhérvár: With balls of woolly hair, [A] St. Peter & [B] St. Andrew on 
the Hungarian Holy Crown. Crown worn by King Charles I (4), 1200 AD
6 Pannonia Romai: Mars, god of war; son of Jupiter and according to legend
fathered Romulus and Remus, Roman Period, 80 BC - 380 AD
7 Székesféhérvár: Count Istvan Zapolyai of wealthy aristocrat family, 1499 AD
8 Budapest: Glazed tile from kitchen of of King Louis, 1342 AD Paul Marc Washington, paleoneolithic@yahoo.com
