Africans as a North European Population Since the Pleistocene Outset?The term “Africa” has both a geographic and phenotypic meaning. Geographically, it refers to the 
continent and things of and from the continent. Phenotype is the physical look of a thing or person
and to be “African” is to possess the “look” of such persons. The phenotypic use of the word here
is to refer to both negritoes and steatophygous individuals in addition to those whose mouth and rounded
nose are fuller than and hair woolier than 98% of whites and Asians. Here, it bears NO reference to color.

Only a tiny handful of people speak of phenotypic Africans in Northern Europe. Most assume that 100,000 years 
ago when Africans entered N. Europe that they ALL ceased to look phenotypically African over the tens of 
thousands of years in N. Europe. What do those few say, however, about the presence of Africans in N. Europe? 
(From there: 1) people went to N. America as Indians; 2) and they migrated to Japan: in Japan as the Jomon - 
ancestors of the Ainu). Speaking of skeletal remains found in Sungir and other Paleolithic sites near Moscow, 
in his Harvard lectures, V. P. Alexeev wrote: “The nose is very broad, similar to African or Australian. This strong
development around the nose is not typical for Europoid but is similar to East African populations.” [1] And 
David Reich et. al. write in Nature that Nigerians and Northern European-derived populations arose from the 
same ancestral stock of Africans about 100,000 years ago as they share the same allels. [2] Allels are any of two 
or more genes that have the same relative position on homologous chromosomes (i.e. chromosomes with the 
same position and function). This population ancestored the first Scythians & Finns - their initial African phase
before European populations joined their ranks.

Steatophygia is a body type of some African such as the Kung (i.e. San) and Pygmy. Steagophygia is virtually 
never found in other races. Picture A shows such body types 22,000 years ago, F at 5000 BC, and K today.

Mummies of Northern Europeans show them to be clearly and unmistakably African from 5000 BC
to more recent times. And the faces of Northern Europeans today in Siberia would never be mistaken for
being white or Asian. They are African. Against most scientific and popular opinion, Northern Europe
began with and has always had a substantial African population. And it was this population which went on to
populate Alaska, Canada, and North and South America in Late Pleistocene times. , Paul Marc Washington,
