Was Herodotus, the Father of History, African?
In writing the nine volume work, Histories, Herodotus earned himself
the title of the “Father of History.” His was the first “true” history though 
he took the same liberties most historians today do when writing to please 
themselves not always truth. Was Herodotus African or white? And why is it necessary to 
determine his ethnicity, however? Because the honor is great and every great ancient figure has 
been presented as both African [D1, 8, 7, 6] and white [D2, 3, 4, 5]. By “African” I mean 
those with some combination (so not necessarily all) of wooly hair [B13, C26, D7], 
a full nose [A3, B14, D1] and full mouth [A5, B11, C19, D7]. As the accomplishments 
of whites and Asians worldwide are acknowledged based on appearances alone, so too 
will the identity of the Father of History be made on appearance alone - African or white. 

In 484 BC, Herodotus was born in the city of Halicarnassus [ A     ] in the nation-state of 
Caria. Both his father and uncle had Carian names with the significance being that Carians
were an indigenous population settled by Phoenicians who are the same as Canaanites.
[B10-14] shows that Canaanites were found in Syria, Phoenicia, Carthage [also D7] and
Spain. As they [B10-14] are African, Herodotus must have been. Neighboring lands from 
Siberia [A1, 2] and the Ukraine [A3, 4, 5] were African heightening the fact his land was. 
And James Mellaart noted the ancient African population in nearby Konya [A6] indicated 
by the dolichocephalic skull ... just as found in prehistoric Caria itself [A7] and in Syria [A8] 
and Jericho [A9]. The population of the surrounding Anatolia (i.e. Turkey) was African 
[C15-20] as were the people in Herodotus’ birthtown itself [C21-27]. Whites from the Steppes 
did not begin to slowly enter southern lands until after 3800 BC [D-map] and as Herodotus 
was indigenous in any event, it is not likely that [D5] is Herodotus but the African [D6-like]. 
Finally, his uncle Panyassis was the last Carian writer of history - though like Homer’s of the 
epic style. In writing of his kin in Peloponnesia, he [D6] was carrying on what can be found still in 
African oral traditions today recording the events pertaining to his people as his “African” uncle did. Paul Marc Washington