African roots to Ancient Japanese Population and Traditional Theatre?, It is surprising that the origination of Northern Europe’s population can be pin-
pointed with such accuracy to a specific people and specific time. David Reich et. 
al. report that in the Upper Paleolithic people with Nigerians allells  (One member 
of a pair or series of genes that occupy a specific position on a specific chromosome.) 
from 100,000 years ago arrived in Siberia. (a) Valery  Pavlovich Alexeev, lecturing 
at Harvard University, concurs. He  characterized the 30,000 year-old skeletons at 
Kostenki near Moscow  saying: “The nose is very broad, similar to African or 
Australian. This strong development around the nose is not typical for Europoid but 
is similar to East African populations.” (b) From this population  came the first 
Mongoloids, Eskimoes, & Indians - people  of  African phenotype (see  pic. 15).

Pottery was found among the Jomon of Japan from ~ 10,000 BC. This was brought 
from Siberia in early migrations of fishermen. (c) The Jomon are called Mongoloid 
(yet, see pictures). But, Japanese researchers describe a “Negrito” heritage to ancient 
Japan as well. (d)  

The Ekven Eskimo (15) has descent from the Upper Paleolithic. Their mask (15) is 
from 5000 BC (my estimate) or earlier. It shows that some of these “Eskimos” (link 1) 
have African features.  As stated, Northern Europeans (and Ekven are such) 
share the same alllels as  Nigerians from Upper Paleolithic times. Proof? Reich et. al. 
write that a haplotype “... in the Nigerians is largely a subset of what is seen in the 
northern Europeans.” (a) 

Japan was populated from yet another route before the 10th century AD and that was 
from Southeast and Central Asia (e) from which by the 8th century arose its Buddhist 
population – also  African (see pics 1, 2, 3). The Noh tribe of Japan terminates in the 
aspirant “oh” which serves also for the soft “k” which should be pronounced  “Nok.” 
And today exists a Nigerian tribe known as the Nok. It was the Noh, also populating 
Japan from Southeast Asia (near the 8th century AD) that served as the source of
 contemporary Japan’s traditional theatre!!!  And African threatre traditions, drum, 
and mask use are  similar. The Japanese indeed call their theatre Noh and formally 
recognize its medieval origins. Noh masks used in contemporary traditional Japanese
 theatre are found in 7 - 14 (and see link 3).  Ultimately, S.E.  and Central Asian 
cultures had  African origins, geneticts claim. (e)

FOOTNOTES: (a) David Reich et. al., Linkage disequilibrium in the human genome, 
Nature 411, 199 – 204, issue of 10 May 2001; (b) Valery Pavlovich Alexeev,
The Alekseev Manuscript, Harvard University, 1991; (c) Yaroslav V. Kuzmin, 
The  earliest centres of pottery origin in the Russian Far East and Siberia,
 Documenta Praehistorica XXIX, Pacific Institute of Geography, Vladivostok, 
Russia. (d) Masashi Tanaka et. al., Mitochondrial Genome Variation in Eastern 
Asia and the Peopling of Japan, Genome Research 14:1832-1850, 2004. 
art, art history, Paul Marc Washington,

Mitochondrial Genome Variation in Eastern Asia and the Peopling of Japan. Backup: Mitochondrial Genome Variation in Eastern Asia and the Peopling of Japan . Masashi Tanaka, et. al.
