2000 BC, from
              Korea came the
           Puyi (Buyei, Puyo)
tribe down the Yantze River
from Korea to China (See:
Jon and Alan Covell, Korean 
impact on Japanese culture - 
Japan's hidden history). In 
China at that time were the Dian peoples (1 - 10). With full facial features (e.g. 1, 3, 7, 8) and wiry hair and 
heads longer than wide, they are African (meaning by phenotype). The Dian peoples from 250 BC at least con-
structed their buildings with the heavy timbered, end-overlapping roofs (A) that are found even today in peasant 
homes (B) and in China’s Forbidden City at Tianamen Square (C) where lived the last emperor (12) at the end of 
the 19th century. Note, though, that his nose is rounded and lips full, his face not characteristic of the typical 
Asian. Emperor Puyo (12) was part of the Buyei tribe that entered China from Korea 4000 years ago when Korea 
had an African population as seen in the South Korean city Jeju with its 4000 BC Dol Zang Sung, or “Grandfather” 
with African features. At that time, it is nearly certain that the Buyei tribe of Japan’s last emperor had features 
as clearly African as indigenous Koreans (11) and Dian Chinese (1-10) and lost them through 4000 years of mis-
cegenation with the ancestors of today’s population in China. It is clear that Africans created Chinese archi-
tecture and from there the architecture travelled to Japan. It (C) served as the Summer Palace of Emperors (!2)...art, art history, Paul Marc Washington, paleoneolithic@yahoo.com
