Yaxuun B'alam IV (his name 
means Bird Jaguar) was the 
son of and successor to 
Itzamnaaj B'alam. Yaxchilán 
(meaning Green Stones - for 
its emeralds), reached its 
zenith under Itzmnaaj and his 
successes were continued by 
Yaxuun B’alam IV. Yaxchilán's 
alliegiences and sphere of 
influence reached as far as 
Tikal and Palenque under them....Who or what is African? Geographically, those who live in Africa whose ancestry there dates back millions of years. Physically, Africans are those (one can argue – exceptions abound) who have some combination of full facial features and/or wooly / wiry hair. This question is of significance as those who are physically African were your earliest known peoples of the world’s earliest societies and also the first historical monarchs of North America predating the Mayflower in cases by over 1500 years. 

This post is part of a series identifying by name these Mayan monarchs of African phenotype. Further, analogies between ancient Mayan and African societies exist which would seem to indicate that Mayan roots are found in Africa. In Mexico, these monarchs are from Bonampak, Pelenque, Yaxhilan; in Guatemala from Quirigua and Machaquila; in the Honduras, from Copan.

In this series, 17 named, known, historical monarchs will be presented a new one every few days over the period of perhaps three weeks. The one who is the subject of any given post will have his or her name capitalized in the King’s list below starting with monarch of Bonampak known as King Fish Fin. 

Those whose browsers allow will see the imbedded picture below the text. Otherwise, following the link will reveal the picture.

[1]	KING FISH FIN, c. 521 AD
[2]	Likely King Chaan Muan-I  c. 603 AD
[3]	King B’utz’aj Sak Chiik, 487-501 AD
[4]	King K'inich Janaab' Pakal-I, 615-683 AD
[5]	King Upakal K'inich  721 736 AD
[6]	King K'inich Janaab' Pakal-II, 742-746 AD
[7]	King Itzamnaaj B’alam-II, 681-742 AD
[8]	Queen, K’abal Xook, 681-742 AD
[9]	Queen Evening Star c. 700-750 AD
[10]	King YaxuunBalam-IV, 752-768 AD
[11]	King YaxuunBalam-IV, 752-768 AD
[12]	Mut Balam Servant Of Queen K’abal Xook, 681-710
[13]	King Tutuum Yohl K’inich, c. 455.AD
[14]	King K’ak’ Tiliw Chan Yoaat, c. 724-785 AD
[15]	King Siyaj K’in Chaak, c. 820 AD
[16]	King Waxaklajuun  Ub’aah K’awiil, c. 695-738 AD
[17]	King Yax Pasaj Chan, 763-810 AD

Identical features of African-Mayan Civilization

1. Divine kingship
2. Sun gods
3. God of writing
4. masonry block for monumental buildings
5. pyramids
6. transformation at death to divine being
7. Sun god combating its enemy, the serpent
8. the becoming of an ancestor after death
9. Patron gods
10. Gods carried in effigy
11. Use of dynastic names (e.g. Balam-1, Balam-II … Balam V)
12. Enthronement ceremony
13. Court lords
14. Iconography of trampling the enemy underfoot (seen in Egypt)
15. Incense burners
16. Head elongation 
17. Use of shields in warfare
18. Identical loop-earing ornamentation
19. Three pairs of male/female creation gods under one supreme god
20. Twin brothers in the Cain-Able mode
21. King as central axis of universe
22. A heaven of four quadrants
23. A tripartite creation: underworld, earth, heavens
24. An Osiris-like corn god called the Maize god
25. Perhaps same type of dug-out canoes
art, art history, Paul Marc Washington, paleoneolithic@yahoo.com
